GeoNetwork: State of the Art

María Arias de Reyna

@delawen at @geocat_bv

Who am I and why do I talk about this

I am part of GeoCat's herd
GeoCat bv @geocat_bv
and a GeoNetwork developer

Quick Overview

Stable usage with slowly increase
and that's only from sourceforge

Quick Overview

Mostly developed by europeans
on their work time

Quick Overview

Bolsena Codesprint
where we try to catch up

Quick Overview

Stakeholders Meeting
where we try to align views and define a rough roadmap

Recent Developments

WFS Filters based on WFS indexing with SOLR

Improved support for search engines: nojs, sitemap,,... and wfs-proxy

Better styling and developing rules

Cleanup of old code

Like z3950 harvesting

Metadata 101


Current Developments

Version 3.1.5 and 3.2.0

Drafted metadata


Improved Documentation (always)

SOS support

(Mimic WFS/WMS support on map)

Future Developments

Improved Scalability -> Following session!

SOLR support/Elastic Search

Better overriding of translations


Anything you want to contribute with :)