Your Open Source Compass

María Arias de Reyna at @geocat_bv

OSGeo President


OSGeo: Focusing on software but with many tentacles
24+13 Projects

OSGeo Annual General Meeting!

8:00, 30th August ~ JNICC

OSGeo Annual General Meeting!

8:00, 30th August ~ JNICC

Conduct on the Community

Want to join the community!

Where do I fit?

The Imposter Syndrome

Impostor feel like they don't belong
Type: Superhero
Type: Perfectionist
Type: Hard worker
Compare yourself with other areas
Compare yourself with your past self
Mentor someone
Participate in events
If you are not perfect, that's fine

How can I contribute to OSGeo

Now that I know I'm important

OSGeo wants you!

12:00, 29th August ~ NgoroNgoro

OSGeo wants you!

12:00, 29th August ~ NgoroNgoro

OSGeo Booth!!

OSGeo Booth!!

Join the mailing lists!! lists.osgeo.org