I am going to talk about
Open SourceLet's focus on:
300+ components
Runs over Java:
Plain Java , Spring Boot , Kubernetes (Quarkus)
is NOT:
A connector library
A framework to create data workflows, including a connector library, a conversor library and a router
...and all this in less than 5 megas
Using Camel-k
//Run this workflow every five seconds from("timer:hello?period=5s") //Log a simple hello .log("Hello FOSDEM") //Send message to mock endpoint .to("mock:foo") //Log something more to mark end .log("How are you?")
kamel run fosdem.js kamel log fosdem kamel delete fosdem
Let's launch a kafka stream
Instructions to install Kafka
oc -n kamel run kafka-producer -ti \
--image=strimzi/kafka:0.16.1-kafka-2.4.0 \
--rm=true --restart=Never \
-- bin/kafka-console-producer.sh \
--broker-list my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 \
--topic fosdem2020
We can check it is working
oc -n kamel run kafka-consumer -ti \
--image=strimzi/kafka:0.16.1-kafka-2.4.0 \
--rm=true --restart=Never -- bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh \
--bootstrap-server my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 \
--topic fosdem2020 --from-beginning
from("kafka:fosdem2020?brokers=my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092") .log("Message received from Kafka : ${body}") .log(" on the topic ${headers[kafka.TOPIC]}") .log(" with the offset ${headers[kafka.OFFSET]}")
kamel run fosdem.js kamel log fosdem kamel delete fosdem
from("kafka:fosdem2020?brokers=my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092") .choice() .when(simple("'${body}' ends with '!'")) .log("We are excited! ${body}") .otherwise() .log("We are sad. ${body}")
kamel run fosdem.js kamel log fosdem kamel delete fosdem
from("kafka:fosdem2020?brokers=my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092") .choice() .when(simple("${body} ends with '!'")) .log("We are excited! ${body}") .otherwise() .setBody(body().append(" !!!!!")) .setHeader("KAFKA_CAMEL", constant("FOSDEM")) .to("kafka:fosdem2020?brokers=my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092")
kamel run fosdem.js kamel log fosdem kamel delete fosdem
Do I have to code? Can I use only Java?
Is there no UI for dummies?
Do I have to understand all this to use it?
Is there a non-developer way?
(Or a way for developers that want to make their lives easier)
I talked about
Open Source
Integration Frameworks
for IPaaS
on Hybrid Platforms
using EIP
Working on some specific spatial connectors.
Helping hands welcome!
You can find more on